Whether you are an atheist or a seasoned believer, your life is defined by how you think about God. The reason for this is that God created us in His image. It does not matter if you believe in God or not, you are an image-bearer.
The atheist says he could not care less about God’s views because he does not believe in God and lives his life accordingly.
The legalist believes what he does or does not do alters God’s view of him, so he sets up standards he must live by to maintain God’s good opinion of him.
The hard conscience person may believe in God but has hardened himself so he can continue in his sin while deceiving himself into believing that God is not aware of what he is doing.
The weak-conscience person has super-sensitive shame, fear, and self-imposed guilt, always thinking God is rarely pleased with him.
The mature believer knows he is a sinner past, present, and future but is aware that his goodness or badness does not alter God’s perspective because he is in Christ. ...
The shocking and inspiring story of Sophie Ottaway.
Watch the full interview here: https://lifeovercoffee.com/podcast/ep-490-sophie-ottaway-engineered-at-birth-to-be-a-girl/
A local church’s worship value is not primarily about the music but the lifestyle because you never ask, “Are you worshiping?” The reason is that we worship all the time. God made us for worship—wired us for worship, you could say.
Worship is part of what it means to be image-bearers. Who could do otherwise? The better question is, “What or whom do we worship?” https://lifeovercoffee.com/three-characteristics-of-a-fantastic-local-church/
Whenever a person chooses sinful anger, he is, in effect, giving the other person control over him. It’s counterintuitive. In his anger, he is like a marionette, a puppet on a string.
Anger toward someone is the total submission of their thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and behaviors to the other person. It is not self-control, as governed by the Spirit of God, but someone out of control or under the control of another spirit. https://lifeovercoffee.com/podcast/ep-110-help-for-the-angry-person/