A lady said (publicly on social media), "I was told by a pastoral man that sex would fix all of our marriage problems, even weeks after yet another miscarriage, sex was apparently the answer because my husband was struggling with me not coping.
Aaaaaaaah! I was told that if I was more of a woman, he wouldn't be doing the stuff he was doing - porn, workaholic, high-functioning alcoholic, introvert, abusive. I got all this advice from Christian leaders."
She was responding to this resource from our ministry, and her point is valid and something every pastor, counselor, and friend needs to know to bring better help than what was given to her:
The shocking and inspiring story of Sophie Ottaway.
Watch the full interview here: https://lifeovercoffee.com/podcast/ep-490-sophie-ottaway-engineered-at-birth-to-be-a-girl/
A local church’s worship value is not primarily about the music but the lifestyle because you never ask, “Are you worshiping?” The reason is that we worship all the time. God made us for worship—wired us for worship, you could say.
Worship is part of what it means to be image-bearers. Who could do otherwise? The better question is, “What or whom do we worship?” https://lifeovercoffee.com/three-characteristics-of-a-fantastic-local-church/
Whenever a person chooses sinful anger, he is, in effect, giving the other person control over him. It’s counterintuitive. In his anger, he is like a marionette, a puppet on a string.
Anger toward someone is the total submission of their thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and behaviors to the other person. It is not self-control, as governed by the Spirit of God, but someone out of control or under the control of another spirit. https://lifeovercoffee.com/podcast/ep-110-help-for-the-angry-person/